Eskimo couple in fur parkas, woman with tatoo on chin, location unknown, ca. 1899
Photographer: Warner, Arthur Churchill, 1864-1943
Aglegmiut shaman in costume, with boy, ca. 1912
Photographer: Thwaites, John E. (John Edward), 1863-1940
Aglegmiut shaman in costume, Nushagak, ca. 1908
Photographer: Thwaites, John E. (John Edward), 1863-1940
Eskimo berry pickers showing three women and boy in street with pail full of berries, Nome, ca. 1904
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Cape Prince of Wales Eskimos and reindeer hauling sleds of reindeer meat, Alaska, ca. 1906
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Elevated cache, Deering, Alaska, n.d.
Photographer: Dickson
Eskimo family, possibly Siberian, seated in front of cloth shelter with fur floor covering, location unknown, ca. 1899
Photographer: Warner, Arthur Churchill, 1864-1943
Eskimo girl named Minnie, ca. 1906
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Eskimo hunting for seals with a harpoon in the Arctic icefields.
Photographer: Curtis, Asahel, 1874-1941
Eskimo hunter with gun and pack dog, Seward Peninsula, ca. 1905
Photographer Kinne, A. B. (Albert Barnes)
Eskimo man wearing rain gear holding model of umiak, ca. 1906
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Eskimo men and boys posed with dead caribou in front of underground sod hut, Port Clarence, Alaska, 1900.
Photographer: Hester, Wilhelm, 1872-1947
Eskimo man wearing gut parka and holding fish, Nome, Alaska, 1900.
Photographer: Hester, Wilhelm, 1872-1947
Eskimo mother with infant on her back, Alaska, ca. 1901.
Photographer Hegg, Eric A., 1867-1948
Eskimo men, women and children wearing native and western clothing, Alaska, ca. 1900.
Photographer: Hegg, Eric A., 1867-1948
Eskimo portrait, ca. 1905
Photographer: Nowell, Frank H., 1864-1950
Eskimo woman nursing infant, with older child and dogs sitting behind her, location unknown, ca. 1899
Photographer: Warner, Arthur Churchill, 1864-1943
Kingikmiut Eskimo girls play acting wearing Western clothing, Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, ca. 1906
Photographer: Bernardi, Susan R.
Inuit man, woman and child in fur parkas, Alaska, 1903
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Nalakatuk, or, blanket toss using a walrus skin trampoline, Nome, n.d.
Photographer: Lomen Bros.
Portrait of Eskimo woman in fur parka with hood over head, ca. 1906
Photographer: Dobbs, B. B. (Beverly Bennett)
Eskimo man and two women standing in front of mining office, Port Clarence, Alaska, ca. 1900.
Photographer: Hester, Wilhelm, 1872-1947
Three Eskimo children dressed in fur parkas, Unalaska, ca. 1912
Photographer: Thwaites, John E. (John Edward), 1863-1940
University of Washington